Playlist Creator
Playlist Name:
This will be the address of your playlist:
your playlist name
List Name must be at least 6 characters.
List Name Contains Illegal Characters. Only letters and numbers are allowed.
A playlist by that name already exists.
Voter(User) Password:
This will be the password your voters will use to see the list.
Password must be at least 6 characters.
Password Contains Illegal Characters. Only letters and numbers allowed.
Verify Voter(User) Password:
User Pasword does not match.
DJ(Admin) Password:
This will be the password the DJ will use to add songs and use the player.
Password must be at least 6 characters.
Password Contains Illegal Characters. Only letters and numbers are allowed.
Admin Password and User Password cannot be the same.
Verify DJ(Admin) Password:
Admin Pasword does not match
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